
Remotion : le 7ème art à porté de composants web et d'API 🎬

0:00 / 0:05

Generate the video locally 🔗

Please make sure to have pnpm installed then clone this repository, install ffmpeg library and run pnpm install.

pnpm remotion render remotion/index.tsx Mixit2023 out/Mixit2023.mp4 --props='{"title":"Remotion : le 7ème art à porté de composants web et d'\''API 🎬","speakers":[{"name":"Mickaël Alves","picture":"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1635742650090283013/9qflRryB_400x400.jpg"},{"name":"Antoine Caron","picture":"https://ca.slack-edge.com/T108ZKPMF-U5M2F1A69-36e4b6574de8-192"}],"date":"22 février","time":"14h00","location":"Salle 1"}'
Command copied in clipboard